Lander County Recreation Center

Lander County
Battle Mountain, 
Van Woert Bigotti
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The Lander County Recreation Center project included the new construction of a 25,510-square-foot municipal indoor sports complex located in Battle Mountain, NV. The facility houses two buildings consisting of a recreational sports gymnasium and natatorium. The facility features a gymnasium with basketball and racquetball courts, locker rooms, an indoor swimming pool, and administrative offices. Other project features consisted of the installation of a mechanical mezzanine and splash pad adjacent to the natatorium. The municipal indoor sports complex was constructed on a spread footings foundation with two pre-engineered metal buildings connected by a conventional steel frame and an exterior of insulated metal panel siding. A membrane roof with metal panels completed the construction. The Lander County Recreation Center now provides state-of-the-art gymnasium and pool facilities for the enjoyment of citizens living in Lander County.


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